Manual Search Engine Submission Vs Automated Search Engine Submission

There is no definite time-length for Google to index your URL or website. What we do know is that it is a lot faster than it was a few years back.

HubSpot reveals that if you don’t submit a new URL to Google through a sitemap, it takes 23 hours for the search engine to crawl the page. But the same duration reduces to just 14 minutes, once you update a sitemap to Google Search Console.

When you leave it to Google for finding new content to index or rank it, it can take more time.

Renowned search engines are responsible for getting the maximum number of visitors to a website. In fact, more than 80% of all search engine traffic comes through search engines. The key is to never leave out any major search engines including web directories.

If we talk about Google, the search engine employs a big set of computers for crawling billions of webpages. Googlebot begins the crawling process with a previously generated list of URLs. The search engine also covers pages with sitemap data within the Google Search Console. The Googlebot or ‘spider’ keeps on looking for new websites, any broken links, or updates to exiting pages.

Google will discover all new pages within your sitemap to crawl them and list the pages with search results, after a meticulous evaluation process.

We already covered a great deal of detail about search engine submissions. However, a big debate remains. Amateur webmasters wonder whether they should opt for automatic search engine submissions or manual search submissions. 

Manual vs. Automated Search Engine Submissions

By manual submission we mean, visiting a search engine and clicking the ‘Add URL’ page to fill out the form field individually. On the contrary, automatic submissions involve filling out these forms for just one time. The software program then uses the necessary information for submitting the website to multiple search engines

The automatic search engine submission services first collect all the information required for submission. After that, they pass this data as parameters to fill the submission forms. You also have to enter a list of keywords, provide a short title, and write the website description. 

We recommend manual submissions because there are fewer chances of making any mistakes while submissions. Manual submission is also a better option because search engine giants like Google and Bing vouch for this mode of submission. Since Yahoo uses the Bing Index, it automatically follows the same process as Bing. These search engines favor the manual submission process to protect themselves from spammy links. 

Visit: Search Engine Submission Sites List 2021

Sometimes, the search engine may take up to a couple of weeks to index a URL, after manual submissions. However, resubmit it after four weeks if the page does not get indexed.

Manual submission also works better because every search engine may have a different type of form. Some search engines ask for few details while others may require other details such as address and phone number. That’s why automated search engine submission services may skip one or two fields. 

When web directories perform a manual review of these websites, they will most likely block the websites submitted through automated services. That’s because they may lack the information required to comply with the submission criteria.

Here’s a more detailed explanation. Let’s take the example of a web directory. A directory is organized into categories and subcategories. Over time, editors review all information manually and evaluate every submission. When we submit a website through manual search engine submission, we don’t miss any field and provide all information accurately. The same precision is not possible through automated search engine submissions. That’s majorly because automated services can’t comprehend all the fields and dates. 

Using automated software can backfire because these tools can’t study the structure of a directory. They can’t even decide the best category for a website. The automated process simply involves the insertion of predefined data, regardless the input fields, resulting in rejection.

Bottom Line

We recommend you opt for manual submissions to submit your website because it guarantees a more accurate submission process. Email or image confirmations are done immediately which is not the case with automated software. Find out more about search engine submissions from Cadslist, the best source for your SEO strategies.