Top Searched Keywords With High Popularity Over Internet

We collected top searched keywords which are popular on search engines. Digital marketers spending valuable time to find related keywords. Our list gives you idea of most popular terms. You can use these keywords to find long tail keywords related to your niche.

Top Popular Keywords Searched On Internet

Popular Keywords On Google Searched Volume
Facebook 2,147,483,647
Youtube 1,680,000,000
Google 923,000,000
Gmail 506,000,000
Hotmail 506,000,000
xxnx 414,000,000
xvideos 338,000,000
amazon 277,000,000
translator 226,000,000
xxx 226,000,000
Top Searched SEO Keywords Searched Volume
SEO 673,000
SEO Tools 49,500
SEO Service 33,100
SEO Checker 33,100
What is SEO? 33,100
SEO Company 22,200
Small SEO Tools 22,200
SEO Agency 9,900
SEO Optimizer 9,900
SEO Blogs 9,900


Below we classify most search terms on google for famous categories. This list will help you find long tail keywords related to your business. For example, if you are running Real Estate business and wants to find related keywords. Below list will help you find long tail keywords both for SEO and Adwords.


Popular Keywords For Real Estate Business Searched Volume
Real Estate 3,350,000
Commercial Real Estate 135,000
Real Estate Investment Trust 110,000
Real Estate Agency 90,500
Real Estate Owned 60,500
Real Estate License 49,500
Real Estate Websites 33,100
Real Estate Investments 27,100
Real Estate Investors 27,100
How to become a Real Estate Agent? 22,200
Top Searched Photography Keywords Searched Volume
Photography Editing 9,140,000
Sexual Photography 1,500,000
Photography 1,000,000
Sexy Photography 673,000
Porn Photography 450,000
Photography Shops 301,000
Mirror Photography 301,000
Babies Photography 246,000
Nudist Photography 246,000
Stock Photography 201,000


There are important factors you should considers choosing keywords for both SEO and adWords.

For SEO, choosing keyword with high volume, you must check how hard to rank specific keyword. Keyword difficulty rangs from 0 to 100. If the difficulty is less than 40, it’s easy to rank for that keyword. If the difficulty score is higher than 40 its a bit hard to rank for that keyword.

Considering adWords, You must check keyword quality score and cpc beside search volume. You will find some keywords with reasonable volume of searches with low cpc (cost per click).